100 year commemorative event

10/24/08 – This afternoon we are discussing how wep shall celebrate the 100 year anniversary of Nichiren Shu in North America. We are also begining the discussion on celebrating the 800th anniversary of the birth of Nichiren.

Rev. Cederman will chair a children’s education committee. We also discussed creating an English manga on Nichiren.

Also as part of a continuing discussion some ideas that have come up are things such as: being more visible in public as Nichiren priests, possibly having a book published and availabe at major bookstores, possibly having a nation wide Odaimoku shakyo campaign, public lectures.

We have formed various comittees in order to work on a number of these sugestions.

About Ryusho 龍昇

Nichiren Shu Buddhist priest. My home temple is Myosho-ji, Wonderful Voice Temple, in Charlotte, NC. You may visit the temple’s web page by going to http://www.myoshoji.org. I am also training at Carolinas Medical Center as a Chaplain intern. It is my hope that I eventually become a Board Certified Chaplain. Currently I am also taking healing touch classes leading to become a certified Healing Touch Practitioner. I do volunteer work with the Regional AIDS Interfaith Network (you may learn more about them by following the link) caring for individuals who are HIV+ or who have AIDS/SIDA.

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