Worth It – June 20, 2012 Meditation

Worth It

Sometimes life can seem either excruciatingly difficult, maybe even impossible. Other times it may feel so boring, plain, maybe even excruciatingly boring. Of course it isn’t always one or the other, but as we labor through our days we may have a sense that things never change, or if they do it isn’t always for the better.

There have been times when I have felt if it weren’t for bad things happening, nothing would happen at all. During those times, when it is hard to keep on chanting, when being Buddhist may seem like it is of no value I often came back to one thought. Since Buddhism didn’t cause these problems I would rather be practicing Buddhism than not as I work my way through the difficulties.

Being Buddhist doesn’t mean we will live a life of complete comfort and ease. In fact sometimes it may be quite the opposite. Nichiren certainly faced a lion’s share of problems in his life. In fact some of his contemporary followers became discouraged because they had a mistaken belief that life would be trouble free if they only practiced the Lotus Sutra.

“Having heard these teachings, they became peaceful in their present lives. In their future lives, they will have rebirths in good places, enjoy pleasures by practicing the Way, and hear these teachings again.” (Lotus Sutra, Chapter V)

It is true that there are passages in the sutra that talk about the great benefit that accrues to practitioners of the Lotus Sutra. As Nichiren pointed out though while we are practicing this great teaching we are also in the process of expiating lifetimes of negative causes. Practicing the Lotus Sutra gives us the tools to quickly work through these effects, something we should never forget.

“They will he able to have peace after the long night and obtain many benefits.” (Lotus Sutra, Chapter II)

Perhaps our greatest benefit is not a life of ease and comfort but the ability to practice and share this great teaching of the Buddha with others. In a sense we are like the guide who lead those people who wished to visit the great city and needed to travel the road of obstacles. Because we can work through our problems and because we have confidence and courage based on the Lotus Sutra we can be an encouragement to many others.

“Will be able to obtain the greatest benefit. Therefore, we bow and devote ourselves to you, The Most Honorable One.” (Lotus Sutra, Chapter VII)

As I said, I would rather go through the problems in life, which are certain to arise, with the Lotus Sutra, than without. I do believe that in the end the reward will be well worth the effort.

“Now you have appeared in this world and become the eye of all living beings. As their refuge, you are saving them. As their father, you are benefiting them out of your compassion towards them. We are now able to see you because we accumulated merits in our previous existence.” (Lotus Sutra, Chapter VII)

About Ryusho 龍昇

Nichiren Shu Buddhist priest. My home temple is Myosho-ji, Wonderful Voice Temple, in Charlotte, NC. You may visit the temple’s web page by going to http://www.myoshoji.org. I am also training at Carolinas Medical Center as a Chaplain intern. It is my hope that I eventually become a Board Certified Chaplain. Currently I am also taking healing touch classes leading to become a certified Healing Touch Practitioner. I do volunteer work with the Regional AIDS Interfaith Network (you may learn more about them by following the link) caring for individuals who are HIV+ or who have AIDS/SIDA.

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