Ten Tips For A Healthier Life – Part One

Today I would like to share with you a few tips for living a healthier life. Tip number one is to be better not perfect. Rather than looking at each day or each moment as an indicator of how our life is progressing or how our faith is advancing we should instead look at a longer range of time say perhaps a year or two or even five or ten years. If we use only…

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Calming Your Mind – March 22, 2013 Meditation

It would be nice, wouldn’t it if we always have a calm mind, or even if we could just make it be calm.  We may even think there is no way right now I could engage in a beneficial meditation session; “my mind is just to agitated right now.” It is possible thought to manifest a calm mind if we make an attempt to follow some simple suggestions. Of course though first you need to…

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Use of Shonin as Title

In 2010 it was decided by Nichiren Order of North America that Nichiren Shu priests in America would use the title of Shonin 上人 at the end of our Dharma or priest name. Previously we had been referred to as Reverend which we added to the beginning of the name. Some of the reasons for this change were; other religions use titles that are specific to their traditions such as Imam for a Muslim, Rabbi…

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Begin the Tradition

Tradition of Social Engagement Today I was sitting at a food bank while I was waiting for the person I help out who has HIV/AIDS get some food to help him through the week. The food bank is run out of an African American church and serves many people in the community. Three days a week they hand out boxes of unprepared food for people, only asking for some form of identification and nothing else.…

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