Impermanence: A Trip to a Junk Store – May 25, 2017

  I recently stumbled upon a junk store.  I call it a junk store because unlike an antique store or a thrift store there is no attempt in this store to be organized, to highlight or even consider anything precious.  Items are piled upon each other without regard to logic or organization.  In fact the only organization I have learned is that when an estate is acquired the unsold items from a sale are simply…

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If a Phrase of the Sutra Fills Your Heart… – May 5, 2017

  “If a phrase of the sutra fills your heart it will be an aid to reaching the other Shore.  By deeply reflecting on and mastering the Dharma it will become a great vessel for crossing over.  Being able to see and hear the Dharma follows upon its joyful reception, as a vassal always follows after his lord.  Whether somebody follows it or goes against it, they will finally be able to achieve liberation through…

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They Say I Did This

They Say I Did This  (Originally posted August 26, 2012) This is getting posted a tad bit late. I arrived home late last night, later than I had anticipated, from my KY prison visit. I learned while making this visit that an inmate does not say “I did such and such a thing/crime/virtually anything.” rather they will say the phrase “they say I did such and such” instead of ‘I did such and such.’ This…

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(Revised from a blog post originally appearing January 20, 2013) In Nichiren Shu, there are rituals as part of the practice. For some these rituals can seem to be limiting. There may come times when we ask why do we do the same thing over and over? Nothing to changes, and it is annoying. Why don’t we do something different? Buddhism talks about a path to enlightenment. The Buddha revealed the destination through his personal…

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