Harvest Versus Sowing – March 30, 2013 Meditation

Harvest Versus Sowing I was thinking the other day about the Fivefold Comparison Nichiren outlined in his writing Kaimoku Sho, wherein he lays out a system of comparisons establishing the superiority of chanting Namu Myoho Renge Kyo. The series of comparison ends with the Buddhism of sowing being superior to the Buddhism of harvest. That is, chanting Odaimoku is superior to those who obtain benefit in this lifetime because of meritorious deeds performed in the…

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Opening – March 24, 2013 Meditation

Opening – March 25, 2013 Meditation Meditation, whether silent or chanting Odaimoku, is an opportunity to open our lives to the Buddha within. It isn’t that the Buddha within is only present during these times, but it is these moments when we are able to actually be present to our deeper self. Much of our day is filled with numerous activities, which drown out the soft voice of enlightenment. This soft voice is within, but…

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Ohigan and the Third Paramita

The third paramita or perfection is patience. Ah, patience…. That elusive trait that I have difficulties in giving to others and in giving to myself. As I was thinking about this it occurred to me that it is different than being tolerant, at least as I see it. Let me give an example to see if you can follow my thinking. If I tolerate something that someone is doing then I am ‘granting’ them or…

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30 by 30 Challenge – March 21, 2013 Meditation

30 by 30 Challenge – March 21, 2013 Meditation Learning something new, improving your life, making changes do not need to seem impossible if you consider starting with something small. If applied daily, thirty minutes can make a huge difference. If you were to set aside thirty minutes each day to study a new subject, within a year you would have devoted 100 hours toward learning something new. Thirty minutes a day of meditation would…

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