“Helping Children Stay Connected to Their Incarcerated Parents” medium.com/on-ripple/help… #prisonreform #prisoners #Incarceration
Category: Good Things Good ideas, good causes, good actions, good things
Read part one first “He Called Us Niggers — Part 2…
Read part one first “He Called Us Niggers — Part 2” @TorriOats medium.com/@TorriOats/he-…
“He Called Us Niggers — Part 1” @TorriOats https:/…
“He Called Us Niggers — Part 1” @TorriOats medium.com/@TorriOats/he-…
Journaling is Good – It’s not what it used to be.
Writing with a fountain pen is a joy to do. Even with my horrid penmanship, which I do not like to look at when I write with a ballpoint pen, is tolerable when I use a fountain pen. Perhaps it is knowing I need to slow down and put a little more space into the curls and loops. One of my active goals this year is improving my penmanship, so I’ve gotten some practice books and instructions in Spencerian Script. The act of writing with a fountain pen, taking time to clean and refill the pen, deciding which color of ink to use this time, and so forth are all intentional acts which the ballpoint pen does not invite.
There are many ways to journal. Some of the newer non-traditional ways of journaling are exciting and liberating. I’ll be spending some intentional time this month at the temple talking more about this subject. I’ll also point out some of the many benefits journaling provides.
Stay Tuned.
Noodlers Bay State Blue @LAMY #fountainpen #handwriting in @Levenger refill – #journaling it’s a #goodthing to do. https://t.co/kwQI29fWxN

Good ideas, good causes, good actions, good things
Read part one first “He Called Us Niggers — Part 2…
Read part one first “He Called Us Niggers — Part 2” @TorriOats medium.com/@TorriOats/he-…
“He Called Us Niggers — Part 1” @TorriOats https:/…
“He Called Us Niggers — Part 1” @TorriOats medium.com/@TorriOats/he-…
Journaling is Good – It’s not what it used to be.
Writing with a fountain pen is a joy to do. Even with my horrid penmanship, which I do not like to look at when I write with a ballpoint pen, is tolerable when I use a fountain pen. Perhaps it is knowing I need to slow down and put a little more space into the curls and loops. One of my active goals this year is improving my penmanship, so I’ve gotten some practice books and instructions in Spencerian Script. The act of writing with a fountain pen, taking time to clean and refill the pen, deciding which color of ink to use this time, and so forth are all intentional acts which the ballpoint pen does not invite.
There are many ways to journal. Some of the newer non-traditional ways of journaling are exciting and liberating. I’ll be spending some intentional time this month at the temple talking more about this subject. I’ll also point out some of the many benefits journaling provides.
Stay Tuned.
Noodlers Bay State Blue @LAMY #fountainpen #handwriting in @Levenger refill – #journaling it’s a #goodthing to do. https://t.co/kwQI29fWxN