Death and the Afterlife Presentation Given at Temple Beth El; Charlotte, NC

Death and the Afterlife Presentation Given at Temple Beth El in Charlotte, NC on January 29, 2013 On January 29, 2013 I gave a presentation at Temple Beth El in Charlotte, NC on Death and the Afterlife. I was one presenter in a series featuring six representatives from some of the world’s major religions. Each presenter is given the same questions and asked to answer these questions in a forty-five minute period. I have included…

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Benefits of Rituals – January 20, 2013 Meditation (With Portuguese Translation)

Portuguese translations appears after English Benefits of Rituals In Nichiren Shu, as well as in possibly all religions there are certain rituals that are performed as a part of the practice of that religion. Form some people these rituals can seem to be limiting. There may come times when we think to ourselves, why do we do the same thing over and over; nothing seems to change, or it is boring why don’t we do…

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Simple Productive Habits – January 13, 2013 Meditation

Simple Productive Habits Sometimes, overcoming a bad habit is easier if we replace it with something better. As we continue our entry into the New Year here are a few things that probably wouldn’t hurt if they became your habits. To help you remember these, if you choose to give it a try, consider a reminder card on your bedside table, on your kitchen table and your bathroom mirror. Perhaps you can think of other…

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How Not to Practice Buddhism or Chant Odaimoku – January 6, 2013 Meditation

How Not to Practice Buddhism or Chant Odaimoku I have written before on being asked the question “how should I chant” or “what should I chant for”. These seem to be questions practitioners frequently struggle with as they practice the Lotus Sutra. Some people come to Nichiren Buddhism from an organization that teaches that there is a certain amount of time that needs to be spent chanting or that somehow if we chant enough we…

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