No Temple, What Do I Do? – August 11, 2013 Meditation

It is lamentable there are not more Nichiren Shu Buddhist temples in America or the world. It is lamentable there are not more Buddhist Temples of any kind in America. Very few cities or town have Buddhist temples accessible to practitioners. There is a solution though, sadly too many people find it easier to lament and do nothing living in a delusion and trying to create an illusion that somehow it is someone else’s fault,…

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Founding Day Special Contribution Campaign

In just about one month we will, as Nichiren Buddhists, celebrate our Founding Day.  On April 28, 1253 Nichiren chanted Odaimoku on the top Mount Kiosumi at the temple of Seicho-ji and thus proclaimed for all the world the efficacy and importance of practicing the Lotus Sutra for this age in which we live.  This act was both the culmination of years of study as well as the beginning of years of persecutions in order…

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Buddhism and Money #6 – March 13, 2014

Essentially money is simply a means of exchange. You could think of it in terms of the middle-man between your means of earning and the things you buy. Money is the middle point between your working on a spreadsheet for your boss and the next vacation you take to some exotic location. Money in your pocket or bank account was once your work, your effort, your employment at whatever company or industry you work for.…

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Buddhism and Money #5 – March 6, 2014

I wonder if you had any revelations as you worked through the inventory of items in a room? Now think about your whole house and what that inventory list would look like. We have done several different types of meditations or awareness exercises now. What are your thoughts? What are your feelings? Has anything arisen within you, perhaps a new understanding, or a desire to make some changes? Let’s recap the exercises so far. 1.…

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