Archived Posts
Dreaming – June 19, 2012 Meditation
Dreaming I am not sure if you can remember back to your childhood or to high school and recall what your dreams or aspirations were. I know that I can not. Some of my oldest memories of hopes and dreams are from the time both shortly before and after I became Buddhist. “I never dreamed…
Submissions From Others for Lotus of Your Life
Trning 4 election poll worker compltd – NC folks g…
Trning 4 election poll worker compltd – NC folks go early & leave time 4 slow process bcause new ID law – don’t b deterred voting matters ✔❌
#mailart #fountainpen #letterwriting #InCoWriMo201…
#mailart #fountainpen #letterwriting #InCoWriMo2016 #letterwritersalliance outgoing 2-23-2016 Sri Lanka & England?✉
Chapter I: Part 3 – The Event
For now I am calling this section The Event, I may come up with a better title later on. To write this section presented me with not only the challenge of the name but I’ve also had to tackle the problem of what to suggest to you for your exploration. I knew what questions I was answering for myself, I simply was not sure, or confident about, what they might be for others. In this…