Archived Posts
Myth of Free Dharma: The Lies People Tell Themselves – 30 December 2015
This Dharma teaching is prompted by an email I received recently though it is a comment I’ve heard numerous time directed either to myself or other Buddhist teachers. I hesitate to bring up the particular situation except for the depth of the harm of the myth and the lie that is told to make a person feel good about themselves while trying to make me feel guilty. I will not participate in this game. As…
Traditional even to this day. Also wise eating adv…
Traditional even to this day. Also wise eating advice. Thanks @Lotusdharma…
Noodlers Ink-Rome Burning – interesting ink color…
Noodlers Ink-Rome Burning – interesting ink color, looking forward to using #fountainpen #handwriting #journaling…
RT @Revjohn29: Using a simple #FountainPen causes…
RT @Revjohn29: Using a simple #FountainPen causes me to take pause, and take in the #wonder around me. Like you.