Archived Posts
Life of Nichiren Shonin – Video – July 31, 2019
Someplace Better – August 7, 2012 Meditation
Major Parables in the Lotus Sutra and Personal Enlightenment
Major Parables in the Lotus Sutra and Personal Enlightenment (Notes from lecture given at Winthrop University, Rock Hill South Carolina on October 24, 2012) Good evening, thank you all for being here tonight to learn about the Lotus Sutra, and to listen to the Dharma taught by the Buddha. I would especially like to thank Dr. Kiblinger for extending the invitation to me to present this information to you. Now let us begin. The Lotus…
Morning Lotus Sutra Service Streamed Live
A week or so ago I began streaming the morning recitation of the Lotus Sutra live from the temple most weekday mornings. I am unable to stream it every day due to my work schedule at the hospital. When I am able to though I will begin promptly at 6AM Easter time. The service will last one half hour. Following the service there will be no Dharma talk, that way we can chant more Odaimoku…
No Escape – October 2, 2012 Meditation
Ohigan – September 23, 2012 Meditation
Ohigan TODAY the first day of autumn we celebrate Ohigan. Actually the autumnal equinox occurred during the afternoon yesterday, but today is the first full day of fall. “They had already trained themselves out of their compassion towards others, entered the Way to the wisdom of the Buddha, obtained great wisdom, and reached the Other Shore so that their fame had already extended over innumerable worlds.” (Lotus Sutra, Chapter I)