Depth of Practice – August 13, 2012 Meditation

Depth of Practice The following is from a Dharma talk given at the temple in December 2010. As you may have noticed I am taking a few days off here and there as the summer season comes to an end. Good morning to you, thank you for coming to the temple today to practice together the Buddha Dharma. Today as we do every Sunday, and as I hope you also do on your own, we…

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A Wisdom Tale – August 12, 2012 Meditation

A Wisdom Tale United Nations International Youth Day In 1999 the United Nations adopted resolution setting aside August 12 as International Youth Day, and the first celebration was held on August 12, 2000. This day is designated as a day for governments and others to draw attention to youth issues worldwide. Today I am going to share with you a wisdom story, which though, not directly speaking of Buddhism does have application to those who…

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Winners And Losers – August 11, 2012 Meditation

Winners and Losers The following is a Dharma talk I gave at the Temple on January 13, 2008. Here we are again in the midst of a political campaign for President of the United States. Currently the Olympics are in their final week. While it is try that in the Olympics there are frequently stories of great accomplishments that do not yield a medal, the main focus is on winning just as it is in…

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