35 Day Practice Day 35

35 Day Practice Day 35 Read Lotus Sutra M p. 336 “World-Honored One! I heard…(continue to p. 337)…if they do these four things.” M p. 339 “Universal-Sage! Anyone who…(continue to p. 340)…and practice just as you do.” R p. 393 “Arriving at Holy Eagle Peak…(continue to p. 394)…certain to acquire this sutra.” R p. 396 “Then Shakyamuni Buddha praised him…(continue to p. 397)…do the work of Universal Sage Bodhisattva.” Four Causes for Personal Appearance of…

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35 Day Practice Day 34

35 Day Practice Day 34 Read Lotus Sutra M p. 330 from beginning of Chapter “Thereupon the Buddha said…(continue to p. 332)…practice the Way under that Buddha!” R p. 387 from beginning of Chapter “ At that time the Buddha…(continue to p. 389)…pursue the Way under the Buddha.” Two Sons – Pure Treasury and Pure Eyes Keeping up the rhythm of your practice routine, once you have finished reading the selection today spend the remainder…

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35 Day Practice Day 33

35 Day Practice Day 33 Read Lotus Sutra M p. 325 from beginning of Chapter Dharanis “Thereupon Medicine-King Bodhisattva rose…(continue on same page to)…Then he uttered spells:” M p. 329 “Excellent, excellent! Your merits…(continue to end of chapter)…obtained the truth of birthlessness.” R p. 381 from beginning of Chapter Incantations “At that time Medicine King…(continue on same page to)…Then he made the following incantation.” R p. “The Buddha said to the ogress:…(continue to end of…

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