35 Day Practice Day 32

35 Day Practice Day 32 Read Lotus Sutra M p. 319 “Endless-Intent! This World-Voice-Perceiver Bodhisattva does…(continue to p. 320)…the other to the stupa of Many-Treasures Buddha.” R p. 375 “Inexhaustible Mind, such are the blessings…(continue to on same page)…the other to the stupa of Abundant Treasures Buddha.” World-Voice-Perceiver Bodhisattva or Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Kannon or Kanzeon or Guanyin As in days past please split the remainder of your practice time between reciting Chapter 16 in Shindoku…

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35 Day Practice Day 31

35 Day Practice Day 31 Read Lotus Sutra M p. 308 beginning of Chapter XXIV “Thereupon Sakyamuni Buddha faced east…(continue to p. 309)…Do not consider that that world is inferior to our!” R p. 363 beginning of Chapter XXIV “At that time Shakyamuni Buddha entered…(continue to p. 364)…it bodhisattvas, or the land there.” Wonderful-Voice Bodhisattva After you have completed today’s reading split your remaining time between chanting Namu Myoho Renge Kyo and reciting the Shindoku…

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35 Day Practice Day 30

35 Day Practice Day 30 Read Lotus Sutra M p. 304 “Star-King-Flower! Just as the sea is larger…(continue to top page 306)…to the copy of this sutra.” R p. 358 “For example, Constellation-King Flower…(continue to 359)…the blessing obtained will also be innumerable.” Medicine King Bodhisattva Just as in days past spend the remainder of your practice time split between reciting the Shindoku of Chapter 16 and chanting Namu Myoho Renge Kyo. I hope it is…

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35 Day Practice Day 29

35 Day Practice Day 29 Read Lotus Sutra M p. 292 first two paragraphs “Thereupon the Bodhisattva-mahasattvas…make offerings to it.” M p. 294 “The Buddhas, the World-Saviors, have…(continue to end of chapter)” M p. 297 “For many hundreds of thousands…(continue to end of paragraph)” R p. 346 first two paragraphs “At that time…radiating immeasurable light.” R p. 347 “The Buddhas, the saviors of the world…(continue to end of chapter)” R p. 351 “In this way…(continue…

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