35 Day Practice Day 24

35 Day Practice Day 24 Read Lotus Sutra M p. 221 “Manjusri! I will tell you a parable…(continue to p. 222)…Now I expound it to you today for the first time.” R p. 271 “Majushri, it is like a powerful…(continue to p. 272)…Today for the first time I lay it out for all of you.” Gem In The Top-Knot At the conclusion of your reading today continue to split your time remaining between chanting Namu…

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35 Day Practice Day 23

35 Day Practice Day 23 Read Lotus Sutra M p. 206 “Do not worry!…(continue to end of chapter)” R p. 257 “Please do not worry….(continue to end of chapter)” Three Powerful Enemies After you have concluded the reading today split the remainder of your practice time between chanting Namu Myoho Renge Kyo and the Shindoku of Chapter 16. It won’t be long now and we will get to the English of this portion that you…

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35 Day Practice Day 22

35 Day Practice Day 22 Read Lotus Sutra M p. 195 “In those days the lives of the people…(continue to end of first paragraph p. 196)….be short of anything.” M p. 197 “The king at that time was…(continue to first sentence of last paragraph)…Devadatta will become a Buddha after innumerable kalpas.” M p. 201 “Thereupon Sariputra said to the daughter…(continue to end of chapter)” R p. 247 “At that time a person’s lifetime…(continue to end…

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35 Day Practice Day 21

35 Day Practice Day 21 Read Lotus Sutra M p. 190 “Good men! Think this over clearly!…(continue to end of chapter)” R p. 243 “All my good sons….(continue to the end of the chapter)” Nine Difficult and Six Easy Things After you finish reading today’s selection divide your time between chanting Namu Myoho Renge Kyo and reading Chapter 16 in Shindoku. Congratulations, today is the end of 3 weeks of practicing and studying the Lotus…

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