35 Day Practice Day 13

35 Day Practice Day 13 Read Lotus Sutra M p. 153 First two paragraphs of Chapter VIII M p. 156 “My disciples are performing…The listeners will doubt me.” M p. 161 “World-Honored One! Suppose a man visited….(to the end of the paragraph)…You will not be short of anything you want.” R p. 207 First two paragraphs of Chapter VIII R p. 210 “Using innumerable skillful means….Would be doubtful and perplexed.” R p. 215 “World-Honored One,…

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35 Day Practice Day 12

35 Day Practice Day 12 Read Lotus Sutra M p. 144 “I will tell you a parable….(continue to p. 145)….I divide the One Vehicle of the Buddha into three only expediently.” R p. 198 “Suppose there was a bad road…..(continue to p. 199)….made distinctions within it, and spoken of the three.” Parable of A Magic City After you have completed reading this short section from the Lotus Sutra spend the balance of your time split…

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Star Festival – July 7, 2012 Meditation

Star Festival Tanabata Star Festival In this modern world we live in, particularly in the Western industrialized nations it seems we have gotten away from celebrating or commemorating our connections with life and the Universe. In the United States, where I live, we do not have a single holiday or marking of any environmental or seasonal phenomena, at least as far as I am aware. It seems almost as if we are denying our relationship…

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35 Day Practice Day 11

35 Day Practice Day 11 Read Lotus Sutra M p. 129 “In order to save all living beings….(continue to p. 130)….The Most Honorable One.” M p. 140 “Then he expounded the teaching…..(read entire paragraph)…..suffering and lamentation are eliminated.” R p. 182 “In order to liberate living beings,….(read to p. 183)….To one of unexcelled honor.” R p. 194 “Then he taught the twelve causes and conditions….(read entire paragraph)…suffering and anguish are extinguished.” 12 Link Chain of…

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