Mind Of Gratitude – April 18, 2012 Meditation

Mind Of Gratitude What would it take, I wonder, to enable you to not be angry? I wonder if there is something that could effectively replace or eliminate all anger from occurring in my mind? It’s an interesting thought. I know for myself, when I am most content or my life seems the most full I am less prone to experiencing or engaging in anger within myself. One way to fill up our lives is…

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Refuting Untruths Propounded by Clergy Supporting Amendment One

Truth About Claims Made In Support Of Amendment One In a video being circulated by a Pro Amendment 1 group called, Vote For Marriage NC several clergy spokes people appear to offer a rationalization and defense of their position to discriminate against same-sex couples. I watched this video and was struck by not only the blatantly inaccurate claims but also the lack of depth of their argument, which primarily relies on false claims.

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Effective Giving – April 16, 2012 Meditation

Effective Giving The other day a good friend of mine, Rabbi Jonathan F. posted the following on his Twitter feed: [blackbirdpie url=”https://twitter.com/rabbijonathan/status/190965768651939842″] My apologies to Rabbi Jonathan if this misrepresents the intention of his Tweet How do we approach the idea of giving a gift that considers the other’s actual needs? Within the Lotus Sutra there are five practices that are given to us; keep, read, recite, copy, and expound. Let us consider the practice…

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