What Do We See – Dharma Talk September 5, 2010

What Do We See – Dharma Talk September 5, 2010 Podcast Available “The people think: ‘This world is in a great fire. The end of the kalpa of destruction is coming’” Lotus Sutra Chapter XVI We read this passage every time we perform a daily service that includes the recitation of the Ji Ga Ge section, or the poem part of Chapter 16. It is because we are deluded in our view of the world…

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Use of Shonin as Title

In 2010 it was decided by Nichiren Order of North America that Nichiren Shu priests in America would use the title of Shonin 上人 at the end of our Dharma or priest name. Previously we had been referred to as Reverend which we added to the beginning of the name. Some of the reasons for this change were; other religions use titles that are specific to their traditions such as Imam for a Muslim, Rabbi…

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