Archived Posts
Contemplating Disease – Part 8b – Religious Ideation – September 24, 2018
In 1971 I was at that time stationed at the Marine Corps base Kaneohe, Hawaii. In that year I had a significant pain and swelling in my knees. It was so bad I could hardly walk at all. I went to the sick bay and they sent me to Trippler Army Hospital on the other side of the island. It was determined after many doctor visits and consultations that I was suffering from significant scar…
Contemplating Disease – Part 10 – Your Visit – September 24, 2018
Previously I mentioned keeping a journal of your illness experience, a medical journal. In the past I’ve also advocated the benefit of keeping a gratitude journal. Journalling, however you decide to do it whether through words, drawings, collage, completely free form or a mixture has no known harmful effects and only known beneficial effects. Our brain, perhaps our whole being, is programmed to remember bad things more than good things it seems. This may…
Contemplating Disease – Part 9 – Power of Names – September 23, 2018
In my leisure I read a lot of Science Fiction, Fantasy, General Fiction, and Young Adult literature. If anyone has read anything dealing with magic, or sorcery, or witchcraft and lore one thing that is a constant is the power of a name. In fact mages, witches, sorcerers guard their true name knowing that someone who knows their name has power over them. To know someone’s name is to have a power over them. Think…
Contemplating Disease – Part 8a – Religious Ideation – September 17, 2018
Faith can be a wonderful thing and it can also be dangerous. I’ll write more about the power of faith with regard to managing illness and disease. For now I would briefly like to stop here and speak of harmful religious ideation, a term that frequently used among chaplains when working with patients and families who would believe something that was harmful to their lives and contrary to the advice of their medical providers. Being…