Archived Posts
![Sing Joyfully – Meditations Chapter II – November 11, 2019](
Sing Joyfully – Meditations Chapter II – November 11, 2019
![Slow Movement – April 5, 2012 Meditation](
Slow Movement – April 5, 2012 Meditation
Contemplating Disease – Part 5b – Comforting the Ill – September 2, 2018
It’s not just family and friends who don’t know how to interact with the patient. I’ve witnessed many doctors who, while good at the practice and delivery of medicine are woefully inadequate in finding the balance between honesty and compassion. I’ll say this from my witnessing many doctor patient interactions, most doctors don’t know how to deliver bad news. Part of this comes from the sense of failure on the part of a doctor if…
Nichiren Shu Style Juzu – Prayer Beads Available in Blog Store
Available in the blog store these purple tasseled Nichiren Shu prayer beads are $25+ $3.50 shipping. Unfortunately, no international orders at this time. This is due to the complications of customs and the high cost of international shipping which starts at $15. They can be ordered by going to this link. Juzu
Thursday’s Five Book Recommendations – August 30, 2018
Thursday’s regular weekly feature, here are a few books I recommend. The books will not always be directly about Buddhism however they will relate to the greater truths found in Buddhism and also to things I’m interested in. Sometimes ideas from my outside reading I use as I process the complex theories we study in Buddhism. Please note that the temple will receive a small percentage of any purchase made from Amazon through the links…
Contemplating Disease – Part 5a – Comforting the Ill – August 29, 2018
At this point I’d like to make a little detour away from Chih-I and look at Vimalakirti. I mentioned earlier that the illness we are talking about do not cover those taken on by Buddhas or Bodhisattvas for the purpose of instruction, such as the illness of Vimalakirti. Yet in the Vimalakirti Sutra we can learn important lesson, such as found in the exchange between Manjusuri and Vimalakirti on how to encourage a bodhisattva who…