Archived Posts
Contemplando la enfermedad – Libro nuevo – Parte I – 20 de agosto del 2018
(Contemplar la Enfermedad será el título de trabajo que usaré para las publicaciones relacionadas con mi próximo libro que trata de la enfermedad, nuestra práctica budista y el Sutra del Loto). Durante la mayor parte de mi vida, de una u otra manera me ocupé del cuidado de personas que padecen diversas enfermedades. Primero, como…
Contemplating Disease – Cessation – Part 13i – January 20, 2019
Chih-I talks quite a lot about compassion and how important it is to cultivate when one has dis-ease, disease, and illness. As I have been studying this text I am struck by the direction he suggests compassion needs to flow. Usually when compassion is mentioned, at lease in the medical settings I’ve been in…
? A #maze w/#2016 as the seed – a passage through…
? A #maze w/#2016 as the seed – a passage through, exit but not from where you began #doodle #fountainpen ?
#journaling #HappyNewYear journal refill from @Lev…
#journaling #HappyNewYear journal refill from @Levenger
Rome Burning Noodler’s Ink (&others) #doodle #…
Rome Burning Noodler’s Ink (&others) #doodle #fountainpen #handwriting #journaling#fieldnotes #NewYearsEve
#kugeln a holiday gift, a #confection I’ve never e…
#kugeln a holiday gift, a #confection I’ve never eaten before thank you David. Please.