Causa Primaria – Nyoze In – 8 August 2018

The follow is a Spanish translation done by Gonzalo Pena of my blog post on Primary Causes  Causa Primaria – Nyoze In – 8 de agosto del 2018 Esta mañana, martes 7 de agosto del 2018, paseaba a mi perro poco después del amanecer y, además de disfrutar de la caminata errante, el cielo soleado, estaba pensando en este aspecto de la causa primaria. He estado tratando de encontrar algunos ejemplos para ayudar ilustrar el…

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Effects – Nyoze Ka – Part I – August 13, 2018

One challenge when studying Buddhism is to not go down the normal human path of analyzing every thing as independent theories.  While for the sake of explaining the various theories we find in Buddhism does require us to break things down it does have the potential of misleading us into thinking of everything as being separated.  We can study Ten World and do so without examining any other related theory, yet this only provides a…

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Primary Cause – Nyoze In – August 8, 2018

This morning, Tuesday, 7 August 2018, I was walking my dog shortly after sunrise and besides enjoying the unscripted walk, the sunny sky, I was thinking about this Aspect of Primary Cause.  I had been trying to come up with some examples to help illustrate the concept of a primary cause versus any other cause we may make. Two ideas came to my mind and I immediately told my dog to sit, which she did…

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Twisted-Up Worn-Down – Nyoze Riki – Part II – August 7, 2018

Over the course of treatment beginning with the journalling he leads his patients in a program that has proven to be more effective than surgery.  In fact it was because he was performing surgeries and still people continued to have back problems that led him to reevaluate his approach.  I highly recommend this book to anyone who has back problems and especially before considering surgery.  The work of this surgeon is merely one example of…

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