Detachment an Excuse for Indifference? – August 25, 2013 Meditation (With Portuguese Translation)

Portuguese translation appears after English I was asked the other evening if I believed that the concept of Engaged Buddhism was genuinely Buddhist or whether it was some Western idea of charity and good works being applied to Buddhism. I explained to him that I honestly felt that Buddhism at its core is all about social involvement and charity and all the things we now identify as Engaged Buddhist activities. I explained how as Buddhism…

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Looking Out My Window – August 7, 2013 Meditation

Looking out the window in the Hondo before the start of Shodaigyo tonight I saw a young woman walking down the hill. There is an apartment complex back in the direction she came from. A few minutes later I watched as she returns. This time she is carrying a large bag which I suspect was full of laundry; you see there is a laundromat in that direction. It then occurs to me that on her…

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We Become What We Think – June 16, 20113 Meditation

We Become What We Think There are many reasons why we don’t always get what we want. One of these reasons is because we focus on the opposite of what we want. Sometimes, we just can’t help it. But, if we are conscious of our thoughts, we can intercept these thoughts and shift our frame of mind towards our desired goals. Have you ever been particularly annoyed by a person or situation? The more we…

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Language, How It Impacts Us – May 26, 2013 Meditation

Language, How It Impacts Us Words are an interesting thing. What I find interesting is not so much the meaning of a word, though that is important too. No, what I find interesting the most is the effect of words on our mind and our attitude in life. An example I offer today is the word ‘failure’. Personally it is a word I try to avoid using because of the potential for harm it can…

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