Nichiren’s Exile to Izu Begins 1261
On this day in 1261 Nichiren began his first exile, this exile was to the peninsula of Izu. This was not the first persecution to befall Nichiren, but it was his first exile, though not his last.
According to the story Nichiren was cast out of the boat in some very turbulent seas. The shoreline to Izu is somewhat rocky and those transporting Nichiren, I am sure, were more concerned with their own personal survival than they were for their exiled passenger.
While it certainly isn’t exactly the same I wonder how casually we exile or banish the Buddha within our own lives. When things get rough, or we become discouraged, or even feel as if we have been mistreated or misunderstood, how quickly do we revert to some lower world such as anger, or animality? How quickly do we actually abandon or flee from Buddhahood, as if it was not a viable or even possible manifestation.
“If anyone speaks ill of you, or threatens you with swords, sticks, tile-pieces or stones while you are expounding this sutra, think of me, and be patient!” (Lotus Sutra, Chapter X)
I wonder when you read this if you understand the “think of me” as thinking of the figure, the historical person Buddha, or do you think of the Buddha within your very own life.
As long as we externalize Buddha we are in some ways keeping the Buddha in exile.
“I always live here. I shall never be extinct. I show my extinction to you expediently although I never pass away.” (Lotus Sutra, Chapter XVI)
Thinking of the Buddha as outside our lives we will always long for the dude that is dead. Thinking of the Buddha as your life, he never ceases to exist. I think there is a movie that said something like ‘the dude abides’, or something like that (you can tell I am not a movie watcher).