Book Prices Increasing – August 28, 2018

Due to some recent reorganization between CreateSpace and Kindle Direct Publishing, KDP, the manufacturing prices on printed books is increasing. 

Both CreateSpace and KDP are the publishing part of the Amazon empire.  It is unfortunate that there are these increases, yet it is the nature of both rising inflation, product costs, and yes I do believe greed.  Unfortunately these remain about the best options for independent publishers, and the most economical options for readers also. 

My books would probably not be available if it were not for these options.  No major publishing company would touch my books because the market is so limited.  I occupy a very small niche market of primarily only Nichiren Buddhists, and even then the niche is further limited by those wishing to venture beyond one particular sect or school.

I’m not sure the extent of the price increases yet, I’ve only just been notified, within the last hour of my publishing this post, that it will happen but not when or how much.  Also the increases will impact overseas sales the most.  That may be due to the recent trade war implemented by the current occupant of the office of President of the US.  Sadly even if the disputes and tariffs are settled I doubt prices will decrease, as once out rarely back in.

I’ve always tried to keep the European book prices lower and get a reduced royalty from book sales in Europe so the increase may be a bit more dramatic in those markets. 

Currently not all of my books are available in digital format.  This is a decision I have made because Amazon limits the amount independent authors, such as myself, can charge for digital books at $9.99 US.  On some of my books that represent a great deal of research and intellectual output I’ve felt this price undervalues the work and so have resisted the digital options. 

I have been reconsidering this more lately but haven’t reached any conclusion.  I did discuss it with some of the other Nichiren Shu ministers who are actually publishing books and no conclusion was reached among us.  That discussion was primarily only with Ryuei Shonin as he is about the only person who is a published author.  There are arguments for and against the issue.

So, that is where it is. The prices will go up, when I don’t know for sure but it will be soon, probably in a few weeks to days.  How much they will increase I’m not sure, but they will. 

I appreciate any comments you have on this, and in fact they may help me as I move forward navigating this.  Even if this makes you feel anger let me know, don’t be shy.  I may not be able to resolve it so you don’t feel angry, at least though I will not turn a deaf ear to your feelings.

I continue to be amazed that people buy my books and I do not take that for granted.  I greatly appreciate the book sales and the many positive comments I have from people who have found them to be of value.

With Gassho,

Ryusho Jeffus, Shonin, MDiv, BCC

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About Ryusho 龍昇

Nichiren Shu Buddhist priest. My home temple is Myosho-ji, Wonderful Voice Temple, in Charlotte, NC. You may visit the temple’s web page by going to I am also training at Carolinas Medical Center as a Chaplain intern. It is my hope that I eventually become a Board Certified Chaplain. Currently I am also taking healing touch classes leading to become a certified Healing Touch Practitioner. I do volunteer work with the Regional AIDS Interfaith Network (you may learn more about them by following the link) caring for individuals who are HIV+ or who have AIDS/SIDA.

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