Archived Posts
Contemplando la Enfermedad – Bodhisattva Rey Medicina – Parte 6a – 12 de septiembre de 2018
Decidir cómo escribiré sobre la mayor parte de la sección de Chih-I en el Mo-Ho Chih-Kuan ha sido complicado. Hay mucho en su trabajo que es importante, especialmente dado su papel en la recopilación, sistematización y diseminación del cuerpo completo de la medicina china disponible durante su época. A menudo se le conoce como el…
Contemplating Disease – Part 12d – Ten Characteristics – December 26, 2018
Fourth of the Ten Characteristics is Constancy. By this Chih-I means that the methods we employ for living in disease should all be consistent. Every thought, every effort, every should be focused upon our belief and actions in living in disease. It would be counter productive for us as believers in the Lotus Sutra and… care to enter into a conte…… care to enter into a contest to create your own new #religion You set the rules, rituals, rights, ruler, and ruled
RT @wfyi: At 9 pm on 90.1, @onbeing talks with Br…
Anatomy of Gratitude – interview of Brother David…
Anatomy of Gratitude – interview of Brother David Steindl-Rast from Gut Aich Priory by Krista Tippett…
“It is existentially, hyperbolically, quintessenti…
“It is existentially, hyperbolically, quintessentially unknowable.””…