Archived Posts
Contemplando la Enfermedad – Bodhisattva Rey Medicina – Parte 6a – 12 de septiembre de 2018
Decidir cómo escribiré sobre la mayor parte de la sección de Chih-I en el Mo-Ho Chih-Kuan ha sido complicado. Hay mucho en su trabajo que es importante, especialmente dado su papel en la recopilación, sistematización y diseminación del cuerpo completo de la medicina china disponible durante su época. A menudo se le conoce como el…
Deciding On A Goal – May 18, 2012 Meditation
Deciding On A Goal Until you decided upon a goal or a course of action it is simply a dream. It may be elaborate, it may seem nice, and it may feel good, but it is simply wishful thinking. Once you make a commitment, once you decide upon the course of action, then all things…
Name of Buddha – Part 7 – February 11, 2019
I’ve mentioned in this writing that I wanted to discuss a mystical approach to being in and with the Lotus Sutra. I realize that this may seem controversial to some people, and I am comfortable with their controversy. I firmly believe that our practice, religious and spiritual is an individual experience and no one can,…
“A man should wear trousers at navel level, not be…
“A man should wear trousers at navel level, not below it.”…
“Emily Post’s Etiquette was the most requested boo…
“Emily Post’s Etiquette was the most requested book by G.I.s during World War II.”…
“Unfortunately, many modern men place the gentlema…
“Unfortunately, many modern men place the gentleman on the sissy end of the manliness spectrum, opposite that of ……
RT @GouletPens: In February, the writing world cel…
RT @GouletPens: In February, the writing world celebrates #InCoWriMo!✉️✒️??Find out how to participate here: