Archived Posts
In Between – May 6, 2012 Meditation
Equality – April 4, 2012 Meditation
Incarcerated Lotus – #5 – Chapter II Summary
(you probably didn’t realize it was Chapter II) Before we move on to look at challenges you may face as a Buddhist who is incarcerated, let’s review the chapter. I have given you two exercises or activities to engage in. One is to practice gratitude awareness. Doing this by keeping a gratitude journal would be highly recommended. For anyone who comes to me for advice, or guidance on practice, or who wishes to train with…
Incarcerated Lotus – #4 – Discernment
Discernment is not a word frequently used in Buddhist writing. I’m not sure why. I think the word is useful in describing certain aspects of our personal practice in Buddhism as we strive towards enlightenment. Discernment is a process of examination and reflection when making a decision or a change in life. It involves gathering information, weighing options, and considering possible outcomes and the benefit. That is the mechanical or physical aspect, that’s the busy…
Recently Published Books
Two new books are now available. I have completed both the children’s book titled “King Wonderful Adornment” and “The Physician’s Good Medicine: Studying the Lotus Sutra, Vol 2”. Both are available through Amazon. “King Wonderful Adornment”, the children’s book is based upon the chapter of the same name found in the Lotus Sutra, Chapter XXVII. A long held dream of mine was to see this story produced for children. When I met Kanjo Grohman and…
Incarcerated Lotus – # 3 – Gratitude
First let me express my sincere appreciation to you and exclaim how wonderful it is you are taking this first step into faith and practice of the Lotus Sutra in Nichiren Shu. Repeatedly in the Lotus Sutra the Buddha welcomes the questions put to him by the various persons in the congregation. During the course of working through this book I am certain you will have many questions and definitely you will be asked many questions. This journey…