Archived Posts
Important Matters – Spanish Translation – Asuntos Importantes: Sutra del Loto, Fe y Práctica – Reconocimiento especial + Introducción + Historia y Antecedentes
Incarcerated Lotus – #8 – Vulnerability & Safety
In this installment I present two sections from the chapter tentatively titled Vulnerability. Vulnerability Vulnerability is a subject that I feel is important for you and me to consider. Much of what I feel important in Buddhist practice is about realizing we are all vulnerable, we all have hurts and pains, we all have our own areas of brokenness. Learning to be vulnerable can be healing and empowering. It may sound counterintuitive to say being…
Incarcerated Lotus – #7 – Personal Practice
Personal Practice It is impossible for me to write a customized daily practice routine for each person who may read this book. I figure I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know. I’m just making sure you understand that what follows will be a suggestion. Please use this according to your situation based upon the idea that every moment is an opportunity for you to engage in your Buddhist practice and to live a…
Incarcerated Lotus – #6 – Isolated Practice in Crowded Environment
This portion of the book is out of sequence. This is from what will be Chapter 4. I have not posted anything from Chapter 3 yet. The series number is simply offered so any reader will be able to follow the sequence I post things in. Writing is an organic process for me. I simply go with what emerges offering up the structure of my outline conception as a framework from which thoughts and ideas…
Long View Dharma Practice
September 9 – random thoughts from home – This morning I received an email from a Nichiren Buddhist friend who recently was contacted by her first convert to Nichiren Buddhism some 40+ years ago. On top of that a few days later she was contacted with friends in Ghana whom she had known 30+ years ago. In each of these cases they were people she had not heard from nor knew anything about their lives.…