Physician’s Good Medicine – #12

It isn’t possible for me to think of all the possible reasons or descriptions of the illness which keep us away from becoming the Buddha we inherently are. Up to this point I have described a few of the ones I see most frequently manifest. Returning to the parable we have presented to us in the Lotus Sutra we have a physician who is the parent and his children who have gotten a hold of…

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Physician’s Good Medicine – #11

For a period of time in my life I worked in sales. Being a salesperson is difficult work, it requires a person to be able to process a lot of rejection and still remain positive. An individual who defines their self worth by the success or failure of their job, or role will find it difficult to remain positive and healthy mentally as a salesperson dealing with rejection. What the salesperson needs to learn is…

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Physician’s Good Medicine – #10

(It’s been a while since I have posted in this series. I will confess this has been one of the most challenging projects I have written. While it is true I haven’t posted, I have indeed been thinking and working on the writing. I appreciate your understanding.) Sometimes when faced with a challenge, even a simple challenge, we experience misgivings such as will we succeed, is it even possible, is this the best alternative, or…

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