Year End – 2014

Hello to all of my readers. Here we are at the end of 2014, what a full year it has been. For myself I thought I would share with you my goals at the start of 2014 and report on what I was able to accomplish. Because I am a firm believer in setting goals I do this to encourage you to do the same. It has been shown by science that setting goals is…

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Physician’s Good Medicine – #9 – Ichinen Sanzen

Today I would like talk about Ichinen Sanzen, 3000 conditions of mind in a moment. Ichinen Sanzen is a very complex theory in Buddhism and frequently is gets reduced to simply explaining the 10 Worlds. However there is an aspect of Ichinen Sanzen which I would like to explore with you. In a way this is a developing realization. That is the way it happens for me. I’ll think and think about something, turning it over and over in my mind. Then one day something will happen, perhaps someone asks me a question, or some situation arises and then all of a sudden a light bulb goes off and ‘bam’ inspiration lights up.

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Physician’s Good Medicine #8 – Inertia

In other words after an easy assent to some experience the reality of a life of hard work ahead to maintain or even re-experience this is required. It all seems now to be much harder than one expected. How many of us expect some fantastical spiritual awakening and are disappointed when the results seem mundane at best or even unnoticeable? Physical illness is much the same. All too often people come to the hospital to…

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Physician’s Good Medicine – #1 – Introduction with French Translation

French translation by Luca Guddione appears after the English The other day in an exchange of email correspondences with the current Bishop of Nichiren Order of North Carolina (NONA) about traveling to Las Vegas in December we were deciding what I would speak about when I was there. In one of those emails he had suggested that I give a short lecture on either the Parable of the Magic City or on the parable of…

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