Archived Posts
Gassho – Podcast – May 9, 2019
Contemplating Disease – Part 5a – Comforting the Ill – August 29, 2018
Contemplating Disease – Cessation – Part 13k – January 22, 2019
The Magic City: Studying the Lotus Sutra
My latest book “The Magic City: Studying the Lotus Sutra” is now available through Amazon. In this book I explore some of the profound meanings of this major parable found in the Lotus Sutra and the applications to modern life. Employing spiritual practices such as Midrash from Judaism and Lectio Divina from Christianity as well as labyrinths I take you on a spiritual journey into and along the road to the Magic City in your…
Most Famous Mother in the Lotus Sutra – May 11, 2014 Dharma Talk
The most famous mother in the Lotus Sutra is actually a demon. Kishimojin is not the only mother in the Lotus Sutra, she is however the most famous one and a statue of her is usually present in Nichiren Shu temple, ours is on a side altar left of the main altar. Kishimojin is a manifestation of Hariti from India who is the deity representing fertility, childbirth, and childhood diseases. She has both a positive attribute and a negative one as well.
May the Fourth be With You – May 4, 2014 Dharma Talk
Today is Star Wars day May the fourth and that is how I titled today’s Dharma Talk as a take off on “May the Force be With You.” Now I must be honest here, I am not a big Star Wars fan so there is much in the plot and story I don’t remember. I have seen all the episodes but cared little enough to commit them to memory. I saw the first episode, though it wasn’t really the first part, in a theatre in Hawaii. That is about all I can recall of the movies other then of course some of the main characters.
Becoming a Chaplain – Personal Journey #3
After moving to Charlotte, NC with my partner after his retirement from the Navy I reconnected with my Buddhist practice in a deeper and more intentional way. Instead of the haphazard and inconsistent practice I had fallen into in California. In Nichiren Buddhism a practitioner is encouraged to recite portions of Chapter II and Chapter XVI on a daily basis as well as chant the Odaimoku or Sacred Title, Namu Myoho Renge Kyo. Throughout most…