Archived Posts
Understanding Is The Ground For Compassion – April 26, 2012 Meditation
Contemplando la Enfermedad – Parte 10 – Su visita – 24 de septiembre de 2018
Praising the Buddha – March 9, 2014 Dharma Talk
Good morning to you all, thank you for joining with me today to celebrate the Lotus Sutra by reciting portions of Chapter II and Chapter XVI as well as harmoniously chanting the sacred title. Today is the first day of Daylight Savings Time here in the United States. For most of us the next few days or even weeks will be challenging as our bodies adjust to the change in time. I know I am…
Buddhism and Money #5 – March 6, 2014
I wonder if you had any revelations as you worked through the inventory of items in a room? Now think about your whole house and what that inventory list would look like. We have done several different types of meditations or awareness exercises now. What are your thoughts? What are your feelings? Has anything arisen within you, perhaps a new understanding, or a desire to make some changes? Let’s recap the exercises so far. 1.…
Four Sufferings – Birth – March 4, 2014 Meditation
“The triple world is not peaceful. It is like the burning house. It is full of sufferings. It is dreadful. There are always the sufferings Of birth, old age, disease and death. They are like flames Raging endlessly.” Lotus Sutra, Chapter III Traditionally there are four things given as sufferings of life. The four are variously given as birth, old age, disease or sickness, and finally death. Today, and for the following three Tuesdays, I…
Purpose of Various Teachings – People Are Calling Out for Help – March 2, 2014 Dharma Talk
Hello from Paris, France. Today I am giving my Dharma talk to a group of Nichiren believers in town outside Paris. I want to thank the people I have met here for being such wonderful hosts. I also want to thank Isabelle for receiving us in her home. Tomorrow I will have the wonderful opportunity to visit the great cathedral in Chartres, France. In preparation for my visit to this historic and religious place I…