Let Us Not Be Twigs and Leaves – March 1, 2014 Dharma Talk (With French & Italian) Translation)

French and Italian translation appears after the English Good evening to you all, thank you for joining together tonight to chant the Lotus Sutra and the Sacred Title, the Odaimoku of Namu Myoho Renge Kyo. I feel so fortunate to be among you all tonight. Though we do not speak each other’s language we could transcend that difference as we recited the Expedient Means and Life Span Chapters together in the Shindoku. Tonight gathered here…

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Buddhism and Money #4 – February 27, 2014 Meditation

Tell me, do you like your job? Do you like the work you do? If you had to rate your feelings about your job would it be ‘Like’, ‘So-So’, or ‘Don’t Like’. Do check in with yourself about your satisfaction with your job? This is a worthwhile exercise to engage in because it can help you learn more about yourself and what are the causes for suffering. Taking an inventory of feelings about your job…

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Peaceful Practices #4 – February 25, 2014 Meditation

Finally we come to the fourth peaceful practice, which is vow peaceful practice. The whole of Chapter XIV has been devoted to the four peaceful practices and this chapter comes right on the heels of the Buddha asking the assembled congregation for volunteers to spread the Lotus Sutra in this Saha World after his death. We could think of this chapter as an instruction by the Buddha on how to practice in the Saha world…

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Wait With One Mind – February 23, 2014 Dharma Talk

“The good omen I see now is like that of old. This is an expedient employed by the Buddhas. The present Buddha is also emitting a ray of light In order to reveal the truth of the reality of all things. Manjusri said to the multitude. All of you, know this, join your hands together, And wait with one mind! The Buddha will send the rain of the Dharma And satisfy those who seek enlightenment.”…

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