Archived Posts
Sunday Questions and Answers in English and French – Video – May 24, 2020
Sangha – Giving of Yourself – August 10, 2011
35 Day Practice Day 2
Will You Support This?
Hello, thank you for visiting this blog. On average there are 40 to 50 page views per day every day. This has been consistent over the past year while I have been pulled away and unable to post fresh content on a regular basis. Prior to my undertaking chaplain training, when I was posting new content on a regular basis the daily totals were on the order of over 100 – 150 page views a…
Looking Out My Window – August 7, 2013 Meditation
Looking out the window in the Hondo before the start of Shodaigyo tonight I saw a young woman walking down the hill. There is an apartment complex back in the direction she came from. A few minutes later I watched as she returns. This time she is carrying a large bag which I suspect was full of laundry; you see there is a laundromat in that direction. It then occurs to me that on her…
Too Much – July 10, 2013 Meditation
It is easy to understand that our lives are frequently filled to overflowing with activities and responsibilities, commitments to meet and obligations to fulfill. If we had only abundance to use as a measurement for happiness, we would all be the happiest people on earth; or not. Since abundance is not the determiner of being happy, it might be useful then to look at how abundance affects our lives. I can’t make the examination for…
Response to Questions About Inner Peace and Striving – July 7, 2013 Meditation
The other day I received a response with a question about my post on inner peace, which appeared last week. Because that question is one I have heard or been asked several times in the past I thought I would just write a blog post about it. Because it is the sort of question that occurs somewhat frequently in one form or another I am posting it so that perhaps I can just post a…