35 Day Practice Day 10

35 Day Practice Day 10 Read Lotus Sutra M p. 117 “Great Hero, World-Honored One!…(continue to p. 118)….Like the man who was permitted to take the meal.” R p. 171 “Great Hero, World-Honored one,….(continue to p. 172)…As you would tell a starving person to eat!” Starving Man After you have finished reading this short section from Chapter VI divide the remainder of your goal time between reading the Shindoku of Chapter 16 and chanting Odaimoku.

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35 Day Practice Day 9

35 Day Practice Day 9 Read Lotus Sutra M p. 105 from beginning of Chapter V to p. 106 end of first full paragraph R p. 159 from beginning of Chapter V to p. 160 end of third full paragraph Simile of Herbs This is one of several short similes and parables found in the Lotus Sutra. Today after you finish reading this short section spend half your remaining time practicing to read the Shindoku…

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35 Day Practice Day 8

35 Day Practice Day 8 Read Lotus Sutra M p.89 “World-Honored One! Allow….(p. 92)…It has come to me unexpectedly.” R p. 142 “World-Honored One, we would…(p. 144)….have now come to me by themselves.” Parable of the Rich Man and His Poor Son Today is long read, none-the-less, try to read all of it within your goal time and what ever time you have remaining spend it chanting Namu Myoho Renge Kyo. As you chant do…

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35 Day Practice Day 7

35 Day Practice Day 7 Read Lotus Sutra M p. 76 “Sariputra! With this parable I expounded…..(top of p. 80)…..The stage of avaivartika.” R p. 127 “Shariputra, it is for the sake of all beings….(top of p. 131)….”Will never backslide.” Today we continue reading a bit more of Chapter III. Today’s reading presents me with a bit of a difficulty. This one section to me highlights the most important complaint I have for the Reeves…

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