Archived Posts
Five Implements of Skillful Means Taught by Chih-i – Podcast – May 7, 2019
Contemplating Disease – Cessation – Part 13e – January 16, 2019
Risk – June 12, 2012 Meditation
Risk Over the past several years we have heard a lot about risks. In terms of the financial industry we learned of the risky loans that were made and traded. When insurance rates are calculated risk is taken into account, not just your personal risk but the accumulated risk of people similar to you. For youthful drivers you are well aware of the cost of risk. If you don’t use certain shampoos you run the…
Takeoff And Landing – June 11, 2012 Meditation
Takeoff And Landing Today I leave for Japan to attend minister’s meetings at the Overseas Bureau of Nichiren Shu. Since Japan is a long way and across the ocean I have no choice but to fly. I am not a big fan of flying. When I was younger and making monthly trips across the Pacific Ocean from Hawaii and San Francisco during a six month period it was a lot of fun. Back then they…
What’s Normal – June 10, 2012 Meditation
What’s Normal At first when we begin practicing Buddhism it may seem awkward to engage in all the self-reflection and examination we are called to do. I am sure, if you are like me, there are even times when it may seem easier to just ignore all the effort and just be ‘normal’. But what is normal? Is it normal to go into default mode doing and being without thinking? Or is it normal to…
Till You Are Full – June 9, 2012 Meditation
Till You Are Full Supposedly there is an old custom of greeting folks in Chinese. Instead of simply asking ‘how are you?’ people would inquire ‘have you eaten until you are full?’ This form of greeting may have originated from a time when food was scarce, perhaps not even knowing when the next meal would be. I bring this up because frequently people ask me how much Odaimoku they should chant. This comes primarily from…