Archived Posts
Storms – April 27, 2012 Meditation
Contemplating Disease – Cessation – Part 13m – January 27, 2019
Worth It – June 20, 2012 Meditation
Worth It Sometimes life can seem either excruciatingly difficult, maybe even impossible. Other times it may feel so boring, plain, maybe even excruciatingly boring. Of course it isn’t always one or the other, but as we labor through our days we may have a sense that things never change, or if they do it isn’t always for the better.
Dreaming – June 19, 2012 Meditation
Dreaming I am not sure if you can remember back to your childhood or to high school and recall what your dreams or aspirations were. I know that I can not. Some of my oldest memories of hopes and dreams are from the time both shortly before and after I became Buddhist. “I never dreamed of having this store of treasures myself. It has come to me unexpectedly.” (Lotus Sutra, Chapter IV)
Plugging In – June 18, 2012 Meditation
Plugging In With so much electronic equipment that we are dependent upon being plugged in is not just a luxury, for some it is a necessity. Even the equipment that runs on batteries eventually needs to be recharged by plugging into electric current. We even use the phrase to describe how connected we are to various parts of the world surrounding us; we are plugged into social networks, plugged into our email, everywhere we are…
Community, It’s Not About You – June 17, 2012 Meditation
Community, It’s Not About You In Buddhism, as I am sure you all know quite well, we have the Three Jewels. These three Jewels are the treasure in Buddhism and in our Buddhist lives. Buddha, Dharma, Sangha are these three jewels, without which there could be no Buddhism and without which our Buddhist practice becomes at best difficult.