Thinking Of Self – May 4, 2012 Meditation

Thinking Of Self There are many ways of thinking of our self. Most of these when broken down are based upon comparisons, and as such are unhealthy. These comparisons represent a form of attachment, which causes suffering. Self-esteem, whether high or low, is also a type of comparison and based upon attachment. These concepts are based upon the idea of separate self, a self that exists outside of the here and now and outside of…

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Smile Exercise – May 3, 2012 Meditation

Smile Exercise Being physically active and fit is something that most people agree is a good thing. There are lots of ways to be active and to stay in shape, of course belonging to a gym and working out is an option, but there are other options. There are over 300 muscles in your face, and when was the last time you heard much talk about exercising those muscles. We shouldn’t ignore our facial muscles,…

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Wrestle With Your Spirit – May 2, 2012 Meditation

Wrestle With Your Spirit “You don’t come to church to be entertained. You come to wrestle with your spirit.” (James Cone) I was sent a link the other day to an online article about James Cone. At the end of the article the author talks about Cone’s response to the concept of ‘prosperity’ religion. What caught my eye and got me to thinking was the quote I shared above. When I think about our Buddhist…

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Walk In Peace – May 1, 2012 Meditation

Walk In Peace May Day May Day is a very old celebration dating back to pagan times and perhaps even further. In the older reckoning of year cycles May first was the beginning of summer and what we now call the summer equinox was midsummer. One of the many traditional ways to observe this year cycle event was with bouquets of flowers, even flower baskets left anonymously on neighbor porches. In some places even the…

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