Archived Posts
Mind Of Gratitude – April 18, 2012 Meditation
35 Day Practice Day 14
Why Were You Not? – April 22, 2012 Meditation
Why Were You Not? Earth Day There is a famous story of a Rabbi named Zusya. According to the story he is said to have stood before his congregation and said that when he dies he will present himself to the celestial tribunal and they will ask him various ‘why were you not…” questions. Why were you not Moses, because Zusya was not a prophet and Moses was. The questions would go on through various…
Be Where Your Butt Is – April 21, 2012 Meditation
Be Where Your Butt Is How many places can you be or are you being at any one moment? When you’re sitting at work is you mind split between here and there? When you are at home relaxing for the evening, is your mind someplace else, perhaps even back at work? Perhaps you are having dinner with friends and your mind is wandering off someplace in space. Maybe even while playing with your children you…
Habitual Living – April 20, 2012 Meditation
Habitual Living Everyday we wake up to a brand new day. It can be somewhat misleading because there will be much about the day that will look and feel like many previous days. The truth is that probably much of the day will be gone through on autopilot. Habits are very efficient when it comes to living. Because we have developed habitual ways of doing things we aren’t required to relearn how to do all…
Ever Deepening – April 19, 2012 Meditation
Ever Deepening Occasionally I am asked questions such as how long will it take me to become enlightened, or if I practice a certain length of time will I be enlightened. Usually these questions come from people not familiar with Buddhism, but sometimes they do come from practitioners. And if it isn’t a question similar to those it is some statement that indicates there is a belief that enlightenment is a terminus point. I usually…