Archived Posts
Namu Myoho Renge Kyo or Nam Myoho Renge Kyo? – October 1, 2018
Primary Cause – Nyoze In – August 8, 2018
Mission – Monday July 16, 2012 Meditation
Treasure – April 30, 2012 Meditation
Treasure In our modern age there is always some new and neat thing coming out that we feel compelled to own. It is easy to become distracted from the most valuable thing in our life. That thing is your life. There may be times when you are unhappy with your existence, or you may feel useless or like there is no hope. Yet you, your very existence is actually quite a remarkable phenomena. You are…
Just One More Thing – April 29, 2012 Meditation
Just One More Thing We all know, or at least we are all aware that this moment is the only moment that exists. This moment is also the moment in which happiness exists as well. These are not easy concepts to embrace completely. Really, how hard is it to be in just this single moment? I would say pretty darn hard. One place to begin is with right now. Whatever you are doing at this…
Value To The World – April 28, 2012 Meditation
Value To The World Founding Day – Nichiren Proclaims the Superiority of Lotus Sutra On April 28, 1253 Nichiren proclaimed that the most efficacious way to practice Buddhism in this time period was the single adherence to the teachings contained in the Lotus Sutra. Further he advocated that the simplest and most effective way to carry this out was through the chanting of the sacred title of the Lotus Sutra, known as Odaimoku, Namu Myoho…
Storms – April 27, 2012 Meditation
Storms Emotions come on like big storms. They rage in us sometimes as fiercely as a hurricane. Sometimes we can get so hurt, or so mad, or so despairing that it may not be possible to see anything else. Storms may rage, but they eventually pass, and so too will our emotions. Emotions come and then they go, they are what they are but they are not unchanging. We can be and in fact are…