Archived Posts
Namu Myoho Renge Kyo or Nam Myoho Renge Kyo? – October 1, 2018
Namu Myoho Renge Kyo or Nam Myoho Renge Kyo? (repost of blog from July 13, 2011 – original post appears here) An ongoing topic of discussion in Nichiren denominations is which is the correct way to chant; is it Nam or Namu that precedes Myoho Renge Kyo? Various folks have their various ideas backed up…
How Not to Practice Buddhism or Chant Odaimoku – January 6, 2013 Meditation
How Not to Practice Buddhism or Chant Odaimoku I have written before on being asked the question “how should I chant” or “what should I chant for”. These seem to be questions practitioners frequently struggle with as they practice the Lotus Sutra. Some people come to Nichiren Buddhism from an organization that teaches that there…
Pockets of Peace – Podcast – February 18, 2019
Pockets of Peace The wood chipper test. If you enjoyed this podcast please consider making a donation to help spread the Dharma. You may do so by clicking on the PayPal button on either the temple webpage, or on my blog Thank you for your support. Subscribe to my blog post…
Spending Some Time With Long Time Friends – May 20, 2019
Here are some photos from my last day in Seattle. Leah and her boyfriend Pete drove up from Portland to spend some time together. Leah was my Japanese language tutor when I was studying at Portland State University 11 years ago. She also came to Japan when I graduated from Shingyo Dojo. Some of these photos were taken while we did a couple Geocaching hunts.