Nonviolent Communication – Dharma Talk Given June 12, 2011 (With Italian Translation)

Italian translation appears after the English Nonviolent Communication Dharma Talk 6/12/2011 Good morning, thank you all for coming to the temple this morning and joining together to practice the Lotus Sutra. Today and every Sunday through the entire summer, 13 weeks, I will be devoting my Dharma talk time to teaching and leading learning in Nonviolent Communication. These will be structured sessions that will involve various activities and take-away practices. On some Sundays we will…

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Hanamatsuri 2011 – Dharma Talk – April 10, 2011

Good morning! Thank you all for joining together here at Myosho-ji today to celebrate the birth of the Buddha. Traditionally in Japan April 8, is the day set aside for marking the birth of the Buddha. Here in the United States where we do not get a holiday of our own we move it to a Sunday close to the event. You all today offered incense in appreciation of the three jewels of Buddhism, the…

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Buddhism – Religion or Philosophy

I am asked this question almost as much as I am asked about a Buddhist view or belief regarding death and life. This writing will certainly not put the issue to rest, I am not even sure it is possible for anyone to completely answer it. I would like to, however, offer some points I feel are important regarding the practice and application of Buddhism to our lives. If we look at a set of…

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The following article was taken from a writing that Ryuei McCormick Shonin did in November 2007. This article was prepared with his permission. ——————– The law of cause and effect on it’s most basic level is not the monopoly of Buddhism. “As you sow, so shall you reap” is pretty much a given in just about any religious tradition. You are responsible for your actions and your actions will have consequences both here and in…

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