Archived Posts
Contemplating Disease – Part 12d – Ten Characteristics – December 26, 2018
Skateboarding – June 21, 2012 Meditation
Granola Bars – Easy & Cheap
I was looking for an alternate to buying commercial granola bars, they are just too expensive. Also the store bought ones don’t seem to satisfy me, usually are too dry and often have too much sodium. So I searched and experimented. Finally I came across this recipe which makes great granola bars. 4.5 cups (sometimes I only use 3.5) rolled oats (don’t use the quick ones or the instant ones, I did and they do…
Five Implements of Skillful Means – Dharma Talk Given 7/4/10
Five Implements of Skillful Means – Dharma Talk 7/4/10 Available on Podcast Good morning, Happy Fourth of July! I hope your celebrations are fun, friendly and safe. I am not sure about you, but I have had experiences in my life where I thought something was a good idea, something I might try or some project I might undertake, and then soon after find myself not completing what I set out to do. With the…
Beginning the Dialogue – June 27, 2010
This posting is a narrative recollection of our first meeting as I remember it. I am certain to be omitting some things and because of that I will ask JS (I’ll refer to this person by these initials) to also contribute his recollection of our first meeting. From here on out though I will record the discussions and post edited transcripts. “Thus have I heard. The Buddha once lived on Mt. Grdharkuta in the City…
Shingyo Dojo Experience – Gratitude – July 6, 2008
Shingyo Dojo Experience – Gratitude Because of who, are we able to achieve things in our lives? There is nothing that we do or have done that cannot in some way be linked to someone else. From conception to death we are always in debt to others. Continually throughout my Shingyo Dojo experience this point was brought home to me. Over and over what small victory or success I had was directly the result of…