Archived Posts
Three Column Journal & Part II Lecture on Why We Recite 10 Suchnesses Three Times – September 30, 2018
Fall Ohigan 2009 – Dharma Talk Given September 20, 2009
Dharma Talk for Ohigan – September 20, 2009 Today we celebrate Ohigan, which occurs twice a year at each of the Solar Equinoxes, March and September. During Ohigan season which is actually 7 day surrounding the actual day of the equinox, 3 days before and 3 days following, we strive with greater diligence to observe faithfully the Six Paramitas or Six Perfections. It is thought that the Six Paramitas came about as a Mahayana response…
Memorial Day 2009 – Dharma Talk Given May 23, 2009
Memorial Day – 23 May 2009 Available on Podcast Today we celebrate Memorial Day a day on which communities throughout the United States take time out to honor those who have died in the service of the country during a time of war. This holiday first began after the end of the Civil War and has continued since then under several different names and on a couple of different days. Here in the United States…
Lecture Given at Johnson C. Smith University – January 20, 2010
Talk at Johnson C. Smith January 20, 2010 Nichiren Shonin the founder of Nichiren Buddhism was a 13th Century Buddhist reform priest who taught that the way to Enlightenment was through the single practice of the Lotus Sutra. He crystallized this practice as the recitation of the Sacred Title or Odaimoku Namu Myoho Renge Kyo. He believed that if all people adhered to the principles as taught in the Lotus Sutra that we could all…
My First Sermon – Dharma Talk given February 11, 2006
Good Afternoon. Thank you all for coming today. I would like to thank the following: Rev. Faulconer Rev. Ryuei McCormick (from San Jose to be an official witness) Visiting Ministers Shami Ryunen Sorenson Haru – flowers Members and Friends of Nichiren Buddhist Temple Hoto-ji My Friends and classmates at PSU Karen Shawcross My parents Today I hope you will bear with me for a brief while longer, it has been a long ceremony for you…