Archived Posts
Wishes Fulfilled – April 3, 2012 Meditation
Protecting Place of Practice – Dharma Talk 2/21/2010
Dharma Talk 2/21/10 Dojojin Shugo – Protective Deities for the Place of Practicing Buddhism This is a short letter written by Nichiren Shonin to Toki Jonin a lay follower who had donated 5 kammon of coins. This letter was written on the 13th of December though the year isn’t given, however Nichiren was living at Mt. Minobu at the time. In the first paragraph Nichiren relates how his hermitage in the mountains is far from…
Lotus Sutra Chapter I Dharma Talk – 1/10/2010
Today I would like to begin a series of Dharma talks given occasionally that highlight certain sections of the Lotus Sutra and deal with them in a more detailed way and also talk about various interpretations. This is a bit of a departure from the manner in which I give the Lotus Sutra lectures which generally avoid offering specific interpretations and trying for a more scholarly approach. In the study classes my intent is to…
Daily Service – Dharma Talk 6/27/2010
Today I would like to talk about our daily service, our recitation of the sutra and what it is all about. Perhaps some of you already know this, yet others do not. At its core, our daily practice is about participating in the events that take place in the Lotus Sutra. We are in one sense recreating the actual Sutra in our daily practice, even if it is only an abbreviated form. The heart of…
Five Implements of Skillful Means for Entry to the Dharma
Zeal, Vigor, Mindfulness, Discernment, Single-Mindedness These Five Implements were presented by Chih-i in his “Essentials for Practicing Calming and Insight and Dhyana Meditation” Zeal – First a person much possess the desire, the willingness to change something. Without this aspiring to change there is no initial cause for implementation. Vigor – Next a person must approach the task with effort, and a willingness to accomplish the task without letting up. Not being afraid to challenge…