Archived Posts
Why Were You Not? – April 22, 2012 Meditation
Getting To Know God – August 10, 2012 Meditation
Nombre del Buda – Parte 1 – 27 de Enero del 2019
Ohigan and Paramita 3
The third paramita or perfection is patience. Ah, patience…. That elusive trait that I have difficulties in giving to others and in giving to myself. As I was thinking about this it occurred to me that it is different than being tolerant, at least as I see it. Let me give an example to see if you can follow my thinking. If I tolerate something that someone is doing then I am ‘granting’ them or…
Ohigan and Six Paramitas No. 2
The word paramita was originally translated into Chinese from two wordsparam and ita. Param translated as “to the other shore” and ita as ” reached.” It is believed that by observing the Paramitas one is able to cross the shore of birth and death and reach the shore of nirvana. In this installment of my six part blog on the Six Paramitas I will talk some about number two, Observing the Precepts. There are many precepts given…
Why the Confederate Flag?
A lot of things are floating around inside my brain right now and it is difficult to know exactly where to begin getting them all out in writing this. Back when I was in college, a few years ago, I had to write lots and lots of papers. During that time I developed a strategy for writing, or I should say someone somewhere unknown now planted the thought, that simply the best way to begin…
Revisiting – a brief travel diary
I am having a blast in Portland-Vancouver area actually getting to play tourist. When I lived here going to school and training at the temple I didn’t really do too many tourist things, although I certainly saw many things. It is really special when you can re-visit with friends you have made from the past and newly made friends. I always get a treat out of trying to get my friends together so that they can…