Archived Posts
Exile and Banishment – Sangha Building – Dharma Talk – September 17, 2019
Be Generous – March 13, 2012 Meditation
Who’s Your Superior Practices – August 27, 2012 Meditation
Day Long Retreat
What a fantastic day today was! Twelve students and their professor, all from Hood Theological Seminary, visited Myosho-ji Buddhist Temple today for a day long intense Buddhist retreat. These students were all members of a class on World Religions that is being offered this summer as a graduate level course. Some of these students are already ministers and others are completing their ministerial training. Several weeks ago their professor contacted me to arrange the possibility…
On the Occasion of My 60th
I am posting this a few days early so please forgive me. But if you consider wishing me a happy birthday please read this and also wish for your friends who are no longer in your lives. I have been looking forward to this birthday for a long time, well sixty years or so. I am very excited to be this age. When I think about all the people I knew who were not so…
Ohigan and Effort the 4th Paramita (with French Translation)
Today is the Equinox, the heart of the Ohigan season, and today I’ll write about Effort. The French translation for this post appears at the end. Translation done by Luca Guccione By some accounts the Six Paramitas came about as a Mahayana response to what they felt was an over emphasis on development of self by only adhering to the Four Noble Truths and the Eight-Fold Path, which are primarily focused on self. Effort as…