Archived Posts
Understanding Is The Ground For Compassion – April 26, 2012 Meditation
Stop Counting There Are 43 – May 25, 2012 Meditation
FOMO – April 10, 2012 Meditation
Puppy trip to vet & an idea
From iPhone Good vet visit. Minor ear infection caught early. With her floppy ears care of them will probably be life long. It will be worth it if it helps in her well being and long life. Thinking of having a community dinner/pot luck open to neighbors to promote friendship and understanding. Thinking that it would not be about religion but about creatng community ties. How can I as a Buddhist and a priest and…
Finishing work for the day
About to finish work for the day, my part-time job. Then this afternoon the puppy has another vet appointment so as soon as I get home I’ll have to poop & pee her then get her in the car and off to her next set of shots and exams. I like the vet I go to, but sometimes I do think that they have slightly outgrown themselves. It is starting to feel like a big…
Woke up late
Yawn, woke up a tad bit late. Fortunately still enough time to relax into wakefulness and wait for kitchen to warm up. No rain today.
Contemplating all the meanings of a stamp that is Forever.