Archived Posts
Name of Buddha – Part 8 – February 12, 2019
When I am chanting and meditating on the various assemblies we are presented in the Lotus Sutra, I can’t help but linger in the susurration of those assemblies. Are you familiar with the word susurrus? I’m guessing many people are not, it isn’t a frequently heard or used word. It is however a perfect word…
Feels colder than it really is thanks to wind and rain. Can’t take pup for long walk ATM.
Starbucks Red Card
I like the idea Starbucks has with the Red card. I just wonder, since I can’t stand the taste of coffee is there a way for me to participate
This American Life
Listening to This American Life by Ira Glass. Show on maps for example a map of the glow pattern cast by street lights in a neighborhood.
Eating potato and pea samosas & black-eye peas while baking a loaf of bread. Pup is sleeping so I may get some reading done as well. Sky is darkening so maybe we will get a nice rain, would be nice to listen to rain while listening to classical music.